How to Recognize an Outdated Website (Webosaurus) and Why You Need Modernization

Webs and websites
UX Design
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webosaurus title image
Imagine visiting a website that looks like it got stuck in the last decade. Cluttered layout, outdated fonts, slow loading times, and no optimization for mobile devices. Such a website not only repels visitors but also loses its competitive edge. You might be looking at your own website right now, wondering if it's time for a change. If so, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll show you how to recognize a webosaurus—a website that desperately needs modernization—and provide concrete steps to bring your website into the 21st century and ensure it attracts visitors rather than driving them away.

In today's digital world, having a modern and functional website is crucial for success. However, many websites suffer from outdated design and technology, which can negatively impact their traffic and overall performance. In this article, we will look at how to recognize that your website needs modernization and what steps you can take to revitalize it.

What is a Webosaurus?

A webosaurus is our term for a website that is outdated and does not meet current standards. It may have an old-fashioned design, an unresponsive layout, slow loading times, and many other issues that drive visitors away.

Outdated Design

The first sign of a webosaurus is an outdated design. If your website looks like it's from a decade ago, it's time for a change. Signs of an outdated design include:

  • Cluttered layout
  • Old fonts such as Times New Roman, Comic Sans, or Arial, which were popular in the '90s and early 2000s.
  • Small or low-quality images
  • Unfavorable color schemes, such as combinations of too-light or too-dark colors that are not contrasting, or using outdated colors like neon shades popular in the 90s.

Nonfunctional and Outdated Technologies

Another problem may be outdated technologies. Using technologies such as:

  • Flash, which was officially discontinued in 2020.
  • HTML 4.01, replaced by HTML5 in 2014.
  • CSS2, was replaced by CSS3 in 1999.
  • JQuery Mobile, which was popular in 2010, but has now been replaced by more modern frameworks like React or Vue.js.
  • Table-based layouts (using tables for page layout), which were common in the 90s but have been replaced by CSS grid and flexbox layouts.
  • Framesets, which have been replaced by more modern layout techniques.
  • Applet technologies like Java Applets, which were popular in the 90s but are now considered outdated and replaced by other technologies.
  • Silverlight, Microsoft's technology for web applications, which was discontinued in 2021.
  • Shockwave, was discontinued in 2019.
  • XML-based technologies for dynamic web pages, which have been replaced by JSON and AJAX.

Unresponsive Design

Today, it's essential to have a website that adapts to various devices, such as mobile phones and tablets. If your website is not responsive, you are losing potential visitors.

Slow Loading Pages

Page load speed is crucial for user experience and SEO. If your website loads slowly, it may be due to large images, unoptimized code, or poor hosting. Slow-loading pages can deter visitors and lower your search engine rankings.

Poor User Experience (UX)

Poor navigation, complex or long forms, unclear calls to action (CTA), and other elements can make it difficult to use a website. It's essential to ensure that your website is clear and easy to use.

Incompatibility with Modern Browsers

An outdated website may have compatibility issues with newer versions of web browsers. This can cause some elements of the website not to function correctly or display incorrectly.

Lack of or Poor SEO Implementation

If your website does not use modern SEO techniques or if SEO is entirely missing, it can negatively impact your visibility in search engines. This can mean fewer visitors and lower conversion rates.

Security Risks

Outdated software and plugins can be vulnerable to attacks. It is essential to regularly update your website and the technologies you use to protect it from potential threats.

Recommendations for Modernizing Your Website

If you have determined that your website is a webosaurus, it's time for modernization. Here are some tips:

  • Redesign the website: Ensure a modern and clear design.
  • Update technologies: Use current versions of HTML, CSS, and other technologies.
  • Improve UX: Ensure your website is clear and easy to use.
  • Optimize for mobile devices: Ensure a responsive design.
  • Increase loading speed: Optimize images and code, and consider quality hosting.
  • Improve SEO: Implement modern SEO techniques.

If you think your website needs modernization and you're not sure where to start, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you analyze your website and propose specific steps for its improvement. Together, we can bring your website into the 21st century and ensure it attracts visitors rather than driving them away.

Examples of Successful Modernization

Instead of specific numbers, we can provide examples of successful redesigns. At CoreApp, we have worked on several website modernization projects. Here are some of them:

  • Polamont s.r.o.: We conducted a graphic study for a new design that significantly improves the website's user-friendliness. Additionally, we proposed removing outdated technologies. The redesign also includes improvements in SEO and a new responsive version of the website
  • CoreApp Technologies Website Modernization: Our own website underwent modernization as well. The original site had significant issues with loading speed, which we resolved. After the modernization, the website's performance improved substantially. We also worked on enhancing SEO.

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These examples show how website modernization can bring significant benefits, even if we don't have specific numbers to support them.


Modernizing your website is essential to remain competitive and ensure a positive user experience. Assess the state of your website and take the necessary steps to improve it. Don't wait until your website becomes a webosaurus!

I hope this article provides you with useful information and inspiration to modernize your website. If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to contact us!

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