Website Redesign Study for Polamont s.r.o.

<References />
polamond redesing web

Our goal of the game

<Project assignment />

This study was conducted on our own initiative with the aim of designing a modern and efficient redesign for a website that was found on the internet. The website was not optimized for various devices, leading to poor display and usability on mobile phones and tablets. Additionally, the site used technologies that are no longer standard for modern websites, resulting in limited functionality. The aesthetics and layout of the site were outdated, which decreased its attractiveness and could negatively impact traffic and conversions.

Based on these observations, we decided to create a redesign proposal that would serve as an example for possible future modifications of similarly outdated websites. The goal of this study was to create a design for a modern, responsive, and user-friendly website that would not only improve the user experience but also increase the attractiveness and functionality of the web pages.

Below, you can see how the website looked when we found it.

polamont mobile origin
polamont old design

What we had to solve

<Challenges and Solutions />
challenge check

New Technologies

The website used older technologies that are no longer standard. The redesign of the website incorporates modern technologies for web development. This will improve the overall functionality of the site, speed, and SEO.

challenge check

Responsive Design

The original website was not responsive for mobile phones. The redesign includes the implementation of a responsive layout for better viewing and navigation on phones and tablets. This will also improve the website's ranking in search engines.

challenge check

Current Design

An aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly layout increases the attractiveness of the website, which can lead to increased traffic and conversions.

polamond redesing web

Our solution in practice

<Result />

The new website design will bring a number of significant benefits. Firstly, optimization for all devices will ensure that users always have an optimal experience, whether they are using a computer, tablet, or mobile phone. The use of modern technologies will speed up page loading times and improve overall functionality. A current and attractive design that is user-friendly will increase the website's appeal and can lead to increased traffic and conversions. Additionally, improved search engine optimization (SEO) will help the website achieve higher rankings in search results, reducing the cost of advertising on Google Ads and increasing the efficiency of marketing campaigns. These changes will not only enhance the user experience but also contribute to the overall growth and success of the web presence.

Delivery Time

1 day

Team Size

1 team member

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